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So after finding fs22 a little over a year ago on Xbox, i started looking for a Ky inspired map however no luck on Xbox but did find this one but had no computer. Non the less I played the game and recently bought my wife a new laptop for work and took her old one which can run fs22. The only map I downloaded was this one and love it. I am having issues using workers to actually drive on the roads and have even started digging into the giants editor for removing houses and the cars. Just wanted to say thank you for this map and if you do end up getting back into it wold love to see it or something very similar on fs25. 

please take a look at field 26. there is two parts to the field. one is owned by someone other than the other section on the other side of the coop which messes up contracts unless you change it in the XML or you know that its part of the field. 

wonder how it would be as a 4x or 8x map with a few more fields and sell points and logging area




Still one of my favorite maps. I prefer the player creation maps , to build my own farm setup. Great scenery . Nice size for solo play. 


A year on now and this is still my favorite map on '22, so much thoughtful detail I'd need a break too after spending untold hours in the editor. 

Flint Hills is my favorite map of all time, I still play '19 to go back to it. Anyway, thanks SoloSAM for giving us this and maybe see around farm sim again one day. Best wishes on the career change and real life!!


I went on a 45 min search using multiple modding sites looking for a new map to play on, I just stumbled upon this, honestly I couldn't tell you how I got here, and have been playing it for a few days now. This map is hands down my favorite map Ive ever played on. The dense trees, realistic fence lines, it brings me back. Ive played since FS17 and honestly if you don't bring this to the next 20 versions of FS I may never buy it again. Incredible map, thank you so much for this!


You're very welcome. Thank you for the kind words. I've actually stopped mapping for a while as I'm making a career change and don't have much time to do so and I've honestly lost interest in mapping as a whole as I used to be JS Mapping as well, then went on this solo venture. But this comment has rekindled some of that "gumption" to start mapping again. I'll be back one of these days. 

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Since I started playing in FS17 its been a constant struggle of getting bored with the in-game maps, none of it ever felt "real" it was very player friendly, which I understand, then came the popular maps that were geared toward large MP style players on here. I never found one in the years playing this game that made me remember growing up on the family farm. This map though FINALLY hit every check box.I hope you continue mapping, I wish you luck on your new career and will check back periodically for new work if you ever do decide to jump back in! Thank you so much for this!!

Hey, really likin this map. Quick question how do i cut down some of the trees on it like the dead ones?

SoloSAM, maybe I'm just being really dumb or blind, but I can't find the repair and repaint location at the store on "The Holler"? I can buy my own workshop, but as far as I have experienced, the only place to repaint equipment is at the store, isn't it? or am I missing an obvious work-around?

Hey, I just started the download, but I think I am gonna like this map. I grew up around Crockett/Haywood county in TN, and we farmed around the Forked Deer Bottom area for years until we had to sell the farm. Hopefully this can bring back some of that nostalgia feel.

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Thank you so much for this amazing map. I live in NC and this map reminds me of the area which I live. I am a truck driver IRL and this map reminds me of some of the roads I see everyday. Amazing map I would say the best on FS22 right now and I have played them all.

I definitely wouldn't say it's the best. But thank you for the compliments! 

You knocked it out of the park with this map your attention to detail is fantastic it reminds me of what Oxygen David produces with his British maps. I have spend hours playing on this map and can't find a fault anywhere Thank you for all your hard work.

Thank you for the compliments. Glad you're enjoying it. 

It seems the map will not keep GPS mods keyboard commands, reloaded default  keyboard commands, and GPS mod works fine, save games rebooted and lose GPS commands settings. Other than that really enjoyed the map.

It's not the maps job to save those... Also, I've not had this issue once nor have my testers. I do know that there's a bug with 22 that erases key bindings so I'm going to guess that's your issue. 

great map thanks

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 the map layout is great Thanks

could not complete Sugar Beet harvest Contract(mission) for Field 26,  Harvested the field and delivered the crop stated that the contract was only 55% complete.

I had no idea this map existed, what a great job.  Looks so much like Southern Indiana as well.  As a Hoosier I thank you!

I live in southern Indiana as well. Glad you like it! 

Great! Will for sure be my next map to play. I really enjoy small operations myself so this is perfect.

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How dose one edit out the fence between fields 6, 7 and the pasture to the east?  I'd like to buy the pasture and add it to my farm but the fence poses a big problem.  All I need to know is the file name and where to find it.  Thanks for your time and an otherwise nice map.

It's an in game placeable fence. Buy the land and sell it...

Thank you for this wonderful map that you have created. I saw a 4B Gaming stream on YouTube. Map looked real good. I look forward to playing this map

Thank you for the kind words. Hope you enjoy it!